Keep on praying, keep on trusting, keep on believing while you are going through your valley experience. Depression, fear, confusion, divison and YOU must get out the way. While going through your valley experience there will be times when you feel this is it, I can't take it anymore. Let us not go weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.(Galatians 6:9)See once again we start thinking about our situation we tend to take it to the extreme causing us to feel weary. But God! He's right there, right now, and He never left, you did. Don't let the valley take you out.
We must allow the anointing to fall on us in our valley experience. How will we ever experience God's peace if we don't allow Him to be apart of our everyday life? Yes He is God and He will give you the peace that you need in your situation. But you must seek Him FIRST. Don't go to a friend, husband, wife, mother, father, etc. He wants you to come to Him first always. He will heal your sickness, comfort your heart and protect your mind from evil.
I will keep praying, trusting, and believing in God during my valley experience. Allow your valley experience to become our Victory foundation.
Thank you for your words in encouragement.